Copylock Dongle Cracker

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Copylock Dongle Cracker Rating: 3,5/5 8075 reviews
Reading the other thread that lists all those hidden messages left for would-be crackers by game programmers, I noticed a lot of them making bold statements about the crackability of their games and it made me wonder if there was ever a programmer or game that did a REALLY good job of protecting their software?
It's funny because I remember Ocean, Robocop 3 and the 'dongle' affair. Anyone else remember this? Leading up to the release there were loads of game magazine features about the state of piracy on the Amiga. Ocean were making bolds claims; they'd developed a way to make games uncrackable... each copy of their new games would come with a hardware dongle, designed to be plugged into the spare mouse port when playing the game. Since it would be impossible for cracking groups to replace this vital peice of hardware, the games would be uncrackable!
Of course, I heard a few hours after the release of Robocop 3 the game had been cracked, which at the time made me wonder if the whole thing hadn't been a stunt to boost pre-order sales!
(Slightly OT: Another little 'piracy' anecdote for those who can remember: Do you remember the industry quotes leading up to the release of the CD32? You see; CD's were uncopyable, yet they were just as cheap as floppy disks to produce. So, the magazines asked, 'with there being NO piracy possible on your new CD games, and the games themselves costing no more to produce (most of the time they were little more than the A1200 version put onto a CD), does that mean the consumer can enjoy lower prices?'. 'Why of course it does! Piracy takes such a huge chunk of our revenue that we can now offer lower prices to the consumer like we've always promised!'
A few months later... The new CD32 games were priced £10 higher than their floppy versions! A classic story to remember the next time some industry bod claims that piracy makes game prices higher!)
Anyways; uncrackable / very difficult to crack games... where there any?
Here are some in-game messages to crackers!
Alien Breed:
'STOP IT =NOW=, OK! You will gain *NOTHING* from breaking this protection, but I guess you're too fucking ignorant, narrow-minded or maybe even too stupid to understand that. Yeah, so you and your 'leaders' and 'spreaders' (that's what they like to call themselves, but they're nothing but LEECHES gaining some kind of fame from the work you do) will have something to spread around on BBS', ok... But what the hell do they, or you, REALLY get for all that, huh? Ok credits... So they can download some shit games or other software, but in a wider perspective? I'll tell you =NOTHING=. It's pointless. If you don't realize that now, I assure you that in a few years you will look back at this time and wonder why you did it. I know that from experience. Go and do something constructive, like studying, socializing, programming or whatever! Cracking is not constructive. To you it might seem like a challenge or something you do to get famous, well OK it is a challenge to crack, and you do get famous if you're good at it. Famous for a while, a short while. But nobody will care about that five years from now. You will benefit much more from getting a job, education or a girlfriend, I'm telling you because I KNOW. I was a cracker once, one of the best. In a time when you could actually send the originals by mail, work for a day or two, and then send the cracked version back, and still have a world-first release. Then the scene consisted by computer freaks who made it for the fun of it. The scene today is perverted and lead by ignorant computer-illiterate idiots, only in for the fame and money. They think they're famous and legendary, but nobody likes or admires them for sure. I HATE IT! Now I've realized the stupidity of my actions, and I wish I could undo them. You'll also do just that in a few years too if you have a conscience, and wish you had done something else. SO DON'T CRACK IT!'
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The most unusual item though, is a small widget called a Dongle. This Dongle plugs into the joystick port at the back of the Amiga. If the Dongle is not there Robocop 3 will not load. Now some pirates will try to hack out the code that searches for the Dongle but it will take months for even an expert to crack it.