Carrier Unit Age Serial Number
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Age: Through the 1960s Carrier used the first digit of the serial number to indicate the. Year of manufacture. Example: 3xxxxx = 1963, 4xxxxx = 1964, 5xxxxx = 1965, etc. Beginning in 1970 Carrier began to use a letter followed by a single. Example: A1 = January 1971, B2 = February 1972, M5 = December 1975. Note: No letter I. The first two digits can be the week of the year that the unit was manufactured, with the third and fourth number indicating the year. A serial number starting with 0193, for example, may have.
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How can I tell the age of a Carrier heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
Saturday, July 21, 2018
The second two digits of the serial number are the year of manufacture of a Carrier heat pump or air conditioner. This unit was manufactured in 2002.
For units from the late 1960s thru the late 1980s, there is a different serial number code, with the single number after an initial letter being the year of manufacture. So the serial number of the unit below indicates it was manufactured in 1978. Because the “8” may be for 1968,1978, or 1988, you want to look at the ANSI certification year, or year of construction of the home, for guidance. This home was built in 1979, so we determined it that way. Whatever year your figure out, it’s a really old system.
Also, see our blog posts How can I tell the size in tons of a Carrier air conditioner or heat pump from the model number? and How can I find out the SEER of my air conditioner? and Why is my air conditioner not cooling enough?
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• My air conditioner won't turn on. What's wrong?
• How can I find out the size of my air conditioner?Download file from website html code.
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• Why does it take so long to cool a house when an air conditioner has been off for a while?
Carrier Unit Age From Serial Number
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