Bluetooth Usb Host Controller Driver Windows 8 Bootcamp

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Bluetooth Usb Host Controller Driver Windows 8 Bootcamp Rating: 4,9/5 9559 reviews
Active6 years, 6 months ago
  1. Intel Usb Host Controller Driver

I had a Boot Camp partition with Windows 7 on my 2008-era MacBook Pro, and everything worked fine.

  1. Windows 8: bluetooth usb host controller Hi, Bonjour, when I chose to upgrade my new Dell XPS 8500 from windows 7 to windows 8, I had some problems like everyone else, I think, but I fix them with succes.
  2. Bluetooth Usb Host Controller Driver for Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 10, 8, XP. Uploaded on 3/20/2019, downloaded 682 times, receiving a 82/100 rating by 421 users.

I have a new MacBook Pro. I partitioned it using the Boot Camp Assistant, and then I copied my old Boot Camp partition using Winclone. After booting into Windows on the new Mac, I ran the Boot Camp Windows Support stuff, which supposedly installed current drivers. Almost everything works fine: I have the hi-res display, trackpad works fine, sound works fine, etc.

Bluetooth usb host controller driver windows 8 bootcamp

Bluetooth is gone. Device manager says there is one device not installed - Bluetooth USB Host Controller with yellow exclamation mark. And I don't know how to setup it, Bootcamp support drivers do not help. Installed bluetooth drivers manually from the AppleBluetoothBroadcom64 folder in Bootcamp Pendrive. Now everything is perfect.

Bluetooth usb host controller download

Intel Usb Host Controller Driver

However, Bluetooth isn't working at all. When I try to add a device, no Bluetooth devices appear in the list. In Device Manager, the 'Apple Broadcom Built-in Bluetooth' icon has a yellow warning triangle on it.

I tried uninstalling that driver and then re-running the Boot Camp Windows Support setup, but I'm back to the same situation.

Any suggestions? (Other than reinstalling Windows and all my Windows applications from scratch.)

Kristopher Johnson
Kristopher JohnsonKristopher Johnson
3902 gold badges6 silver badges18 bronze badges

1 Answer

Apparently the problem is that the 'Apple Broadcom Built-in Bluetooth' driver is not the right one for the new hardware. Here's what I did to fix it:

  • Open Device Manager, open the Bluetooth Radios subtree, right-click the 'Apple Broadcom Built-in Bluetooth' icon, and choose the 'Update Driver Software..' menu item.
  • Choose 'Browse my computer for driver software'
  • Choose 'Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer'
  • Select 'Apple Inc.' for Manufacturer, and 'Apple Built-in Bluetooth' for Model, and click Next.

After the driver installed, 'Apple Broadcom Built-in Bluetooth' had been replaced by 'Apple Built-in Bluetooth' and 'Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator' in the Bluetooth Radios subtree of Device Manager, and I was then able to use the Add a device wizard to set up my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard.

Bluetooth Usb Host Controller Driver Windows 8 BootcampKristopher JohnsonKristopher Johnson
3902 gold badges6 silver badges18 bronze badges

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