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There are two approaches to evidence based design. Depending on the resources available and the project itself, researchers may _____(a)_____ and/or _____(b)_______.
a) search, use, review existing evidence
b) conduct EBD research to gather new evidence or answer a question
1) Define EBD goals and objectives
2) Find sourced for relevant evidence
3) Critically interpret relevant evidence
4) Create and innovate EBD concepts
5) Develop a hypothesis
6) Collect baseline performance measures
7) Monitor implementation of design and construction
8) Measure post0occupancy performance results
..the intentions, direction and EBD goals and objectives for the project.
The unknown or question in the defined research topic/area of interest of the project.
A review of the existing evidence and relevant theoretical thinking on the research topic.
An estimated outcome/research finding(s) of the testable subtopics of the overall area of interest.
An outline of the research topics, hypotheses and a narrow declaration of the focus and scope of the study.
List the 9 components of research in approximate order.
1) research question
2) literature review
3) hypothesis
4) research plan
5) pilot study
6) data collection
7) data analysis
8) reporting
9) identification of future research
Who decides on the details of the research plan, methodology, samples, settings, data collection tools, procedures and analysis?
Research that originates from a need to solve a practical problem and and is intended for direct and immediate application to improve real-life conditions.
Research (academic research) that originates from curiosity and aims at creating new knowledge or adding to the existing knowledge
Compare basic and applied research:
a) _______ research involves more theoretical thinking than ___________ research.
b) _________ research focuses more on real problems in real settings.
c) Research questions and problems in ________ research come from real, practical settings and may need quick answers.
d) _______ researchers are compelled to think on multiple levels due to the real settings of their studies. Therefore, _______ research is more likely to use the triangulation of multiple research methods.
e) ___________ research is subject to stricter time constraints.
a) basic, applied
b) applied
c) applied
d) Applied, applied
e) applied
Both applied and basic research represent acquiring knowledge scientifically. Why does this make these research methods equally valuable?
Scientific and empirical acquisition of data adds a validity and reliability to the data collected. It also adds a level of universal value to the data and the research process because it is measured, observed and repeatable.
List the major qualities defining empirical data.
Information that can be directly sensed and is demonstrable to other people; seen, heard, touched, tasted, smelled
..the application and combination of several research methodologies in a study of the same topic. This can strengthen validity and reliability of research inferences.
A prediction that is logically derived of theoretical reasoning and can be tested through empirical research.
A comprehensive framework of conceptual statements that describe, explain and predict natural or social phenomena that can then be challenged or supported by empirical data.
Explain the relationship between research and theories.
They are complimentary and reciprocal components. theories incorporate research findings in proposing a hypothesis to a question. Research can then refute or support the hypothesis leading to new theories and further necessary research.
A set of guiding principles, philosophical assumptions and perspectives that underlie a study. Research methods, tools for collecting and analyzing data, are a part of the research methodology.
Explain the goal of the quantitative approach (methodology) to EBD research.
Explain and predict phenomena by examining relationships between empirically measured variables. This approach is often confirmatory in nature and emphasizes deductive thinking.
Explain the goal of the qualitative approach (methodology) to EBD research.
Emphasize multiple participant views and theory generation, understand the complexity of the topic from personal perspectives, experiences and interactions. This is often exploratory in nature and employs inductive thinking.
This approach does not commit to one philosophical perspective and is free to adopt both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Combined together, methods can counterbalance and supplement each other.
Independent variables refer to _________ and dependent variables refer to the ____________.
_____________ variables may influence the dependent variables but are not of interest to the study.
Researchers control and manipulate variables and randomly assign research participants.
Similar to true experiments - hypothesis, procedures to test it, comparison of conditions and variables - but lacks rigorous control.
Measures the outcomes both before intervention and after. These data are then compared.
Looks forward in time - a research plan exists before outcome data is collected. This represents most EBD studies.
Retrospective studies look backward in time. Existing data is examined to identify cause and effect.
Collects and examines two or more characteristics or variables to see if the differences in one variable are related to those in the other variable.
The purpose is to learn about the behaviors, opinions, attitudes and feelings of a defined population about specific issues or topics.
Involves in-depth investigation of one or several cases (individuals, units or projects). Multiple and mixed research methods are used.
Focuses on a group of people who share a common culture and is often helpful in understanding a complex working situation.
In some healthcare design projects it is necessary to have quick results to inform decision-making. A deadline is typically inherent.
_________ is the extent to which a measurement tool measures what it is intended to measure. __________ is the degree to which a measurement tool consistent and similar results on the same phenomenon in different times or with different people.
____________ is the main type of measurement tool in studying how humans interact with their environments.
Observation; can capture unconscious and nonverbal behaviors, can be done with minimal interference in the subject's setting, is typically time consuming and expensive to collect valuable data
________ observation is less structured and more broad in nature than _________ observation which is carefully planned, timed and recorded. ____________ observation is qualitative and obtrusive in a sense that the researcher interacts with the setting and subjects.
A __________ is a collection of a variety of questions on one or several topics with the intent to understand opinions, attitudes, health, personality and behaviors of the participants.
Questionnaire; type (open-ended, close-ended) of question, amount, order and wording of the questions is important in increasing return rate and valid results.
A ________ is a measurement tool in which people express judgements about a certain phenomenon.
Rating scale; number of levels to choose from on the scale are important. There are well-tested and well-developed scales..if a new scale must be developed it is important to test it for validity and reliability.
An ___________ is a direct interaction with participants and is used to examine attitudes, feelings and opinions.
interview; there are structured interviews that include predefined questions, unstructured interviews that are more exploratory in nature and telephone interviews which are feasible and economic options.
A __________ is an unstructured group interview.
Ch1Q1: Fill in the blank with the best answer: The ______ will help to systematically organize thoughts and ideas and outline actives before time, money and efforts are invested.
a. development of research tools
b. research plan
c. research hypothesis
Ch1Q2: Fill in the blanks: ______ research usually originates from the need to solve a practical problem and is intended for direct and immediate applications to improve real-life conditions, while __________ research usually originates from curiosity and aims at creating new knowledge or adding to the existing knowledge.
a. Quasi-experimental, experimental
b. basic, applied
c. applied, basic
Ch1Q3: The goal of ___________ research is to understand the complexity of the topics under study from personal perspectives, experiences and interactions.
a. quantitative
b. qualitative
c. mixed methods
Ch1Q4: A group of researchers studied the effects of white noise on use of pain medication among patients in a noisy, inner city emergency ward. Which is the independent, and which is the dependent variable?
a. Ambient noise (independent), use of pain medication (dependent)
b. Use of pain medication (independent), white noise (dependent)
c. white noise (independent), use of pain medication (dependent)
c. white noise (independent), use of pain medication (dependent)
Ch1Q5: __________ is the extent to which a measurement tool measures what it is supposed to measure, while ___________ is the degree to which a measurement tool produces consistent or similar results on the same phenomenon at different times or when used by different people.
a. reliability, validity
b. validity, generalizability
c. validity, reliability
Ch1Q6 The key steps of the evidence-based design process should be implemented through the lens of the project vision, the business case and the _____________.
a. hospital administration
b. project goals and objectives
c. hospital staff
Ch1Q7: Why is triangulation of research methodologies important in a research study?
a. triangulation is a precautionary measure - if one method fails, there is at least a backup
b. triangulation can strengthen the validity and reliability of research inferences
c. some peer review journals may only accept certain types of methods; therefore, using triangulation assures the researcher that at least one of the methods is acceptable
b. triangulation can strengthen the validity and reliability of research inferences
Ch1Q8: The goal of __________ research is to explain and predict phenomena by examining the relationships between empirically measured variables.
a. quantitative
b. qualitative
c. mixed methods
Ch1Q9: A positive correlation exists when one variable ___________ and another variable tends to _____________.
a. decreases, increase
b. increases, increase
c. increases, decrease
List the six common aims in healthcare quality improvement.
components of the EOC affect healthcare challenges _________. They are not _____________ of each other.
_________ experiential knowledge is provided by members of the project team and various consultants while ____________ experiential knowledge is provided by users and their families.
After a research question had been identified the following three steps represent a ____________________:
1) locate information
2) critically evaluate and interpret evidence
3) record and synthesize information
A well-performed literature review will help identify _________ in current knowledge, determine what ___________ research has already been performed and inform the basis for ________________.
_____________ can be of the peer-reviewed (meant to advance knowledge), professional (meant to inform and track industry specific trends) or popular variety
__________________ can be found in peer-reviewed journals or as unpublished theses or dissertations.
____________ can be recorded, packaged and made available for those not present.
_______________ is historical documentation like maps, census data and plans that can provide broader views of a research topic over time and across disciplines.
Identifying the date, location, scope of work, source, and internet address can help to determine the _____________ of literature to the research plan.
Reliability and validity of studies can be instrumental in evaluating ____________ results.
a) conflicting
b) similar
In developing an information repository basic information about the literature can be helpful in organizing and using the collection. This information includes..
- author
- title
- subject
- abstract
- link/location in database
Ch2Q1: To evaluate the effects of certain design innovations on hospital noise levels, the results from a quasi-experimental study with a control group are more credible than __________ study.
a. a correlational
b. an experimental
c. an empirical
Ch2Q2: Variables not under the control of the experimenter, and which make it difficult to isolate cause and effect because they vary systematically from the independent variables, are called __________ variables.
a. confounding
b. extraneous
c. contradictory
Ch2Q3: What is the most efficient way to keep track of evidence you have found in the research literature?
a. keep the document in colored file folders
b. develop a searchable, electronic database based on standard library catalog rules
c. save the documents into one set of electronic folders
b. develop a searchable, electronic database based on standard library catalog rules
In-house, academic and specialty (consultants) are different types of _____________ that could make up the _____________ team.
Research topics, in the early stages of narrowing them down, may be numerous. What number of research topics is ideal?
While focusing on a research topic, in narrowing it down from many potential topics, the following questions can be helpful in determining whether a topic is going to be worth the time and resources to research.
Relevant? to the project or organization's vision
Distinctive? is it unique or are there other studies like it
Significant? does this fill a current gap in the knowledge base?
Rigorous? is there a stronger research topic that could yield better results?
Feasible? is there enough time, money, resources to be successful pursuing researching this topic?
A ___________ cannot be tested directly by empirical date. Its predictions, _____________, can be tested.
A hypothesis is developed _____________ data is collected.
a. before
b. after
a. before
because it helps to define the variables, the potential testing methods, potential relationships between variables
Hypotheses _________ be proven or disproven..instead, data ends up supporting or not supporting a given hypothesis. Data can also support the null hypothesis which states that there is no relationship between __________.
These components make up ________________:
Statement of research topic
Background information
Research design
Variables and measurements
Data collection procedures
Data analysis procedures
Logistics (budget, roles, timeline)
The selection of research methodologies and elements depends upon..
..the focus and conditions of the research and the goals and objectives of the project.
Estimation of cost and timeline should be included in the research plan ..
..in order to act as a checkpoint for the study and maintain feasibility.
researcher's salaries
literature review (database access, books, articles)
communication (postage, phone)
supplies and software costs
indirect costs
In conducting research, consent from facility, human subjects, etc. must be acquired. Due recognition must be given only after IRB approval is gained. This is the manifestation of what basic human principles?
The research plan should be revisited and refined.
a. yes, often
b. no, once it is created the study can proceed
Confounding variables, although not of direct interest to the study, must be tracked and documented closely.
a. true
b. false
a. true
they do affect the outcomes and can sometimes even be used as covariates (variables that influence outcome but are not directly of interest) to help organize and tweak the research plan to minimize the superfluous confounding variables.
existing metrics
new outcome data
environmental measurements
qualitative data
Data collection shall wait to begin ________ after a new facility opens.
A typical research report is made up of the following components..
title page
methodology and methods
Ch3Q1: In EBD research, environmental variables are the _________ variables and outcomes are the ____________ variables.
a. independent, dependent
b. dependent, independent
c. confounding, experimental
Ch3Q2: Researchers hypothesized that different nature sounds would have varying impacts on pain thresholds. They conducted their study, and found a small difference in outcomes based on the type of sound - the statistical test on the results indicated a p-value of .15. The researchers should:
a. accept the null hypothesis - the results are not statistically significant
b. Reject the null hypothesis - the results are statistically significant
c. Change their hypothesis to correspond to the findings
b. accept the null hypothesis - the results are not statistically significant
Ch3Q3: During the data collection phase, researchers do all of the following EXCEPT..
a. implement the research plan
b. collect and record data
c. analyze the data
In statistical analysis of data researchers typically reject the null hypothesis if the p-value (suggesting the differences and relationships between data) is _______ than 5%.
less than
..thus claiming that the data support the hypothesis
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