Install Ubuntu Software Center In Kali Linux Download

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Active12 months ago

In this post i'll teach you how to install Ubuntu Software center in Kali and BackTrack 5 Linux. Its the same process. And question is what we can do with that Ubuntu Software Center, or for what we need that? After you add that into BackTrack or Kali, you can download Linux apps. May 16, 2016  Good morning!!!! I am new in this world of linux and i found some problems while installing software center. I apologyze if i made some mistakes trying makin myself understood. I successfully download software-center.deb for my kali linux debian amd64. And its start correctly installing it but in hte way it shows this message.

The system has become too slow and Terminal tool does not work.

I deleted Ubuntu Software Center.

How do I download it again?

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closed as unclear what you're asking by Videonauth, Pilot6, user364819, Luís de Sousa, Eric CarvalhoMay 31 '16 at 15:51

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2 Answers

Luckily, the desktop environment runs on top of another terminal, called a TTY. A TTY is a basic terminal found on the system, which the desktop environment runs on top of. To access TTY1, use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F1.

  1. A text-based login screen should appear. Login with your regular username and password. The password will not appear on-screen.
  2. Use apt-get to re-install the terminal:

    1. First call sudo apt-get update to make sure you will install the latest version.
    2. Then sudo apt-get install gnome-terminal to actually install the missing terminal.
    3. The software center can then be installed with sudo apt-get install software-center.
  3. Sign out with logout. You can return to the regular desktop environment with Ctrl+Alt+F7.

If want more information installing software with the command line, see

  • What does 'sudo apt-get update' do? and
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To install Ubuntu Software Center - please follow these 3 steps

To fetch the latest package installations:

To install all current updates:

To install the software-center again:

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Active7 years ago

Possible Duplicate:
Software store/market for Windows with freeware?
App store for Windows

Is there anything like the Ubuntu Software Center for Windows (i. e., a software application that makes it easy to install software, and also manages package dependencies?)

Anderson GreenAnderson Green
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marked as duplicate by Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007, Windos, HackToHell, Tamara Wijsman, MokubaiNov 11 '12 at 16:28

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

3 Answers

It seems like Windows 8 might bring something along that has the same idea as an application store for Windows software

Lets just cross our fingers and hope it does not die after a year of launching and can supply decent software for all users.

There were also a few packages manager prototypes for Windows, but they never really took off, I remember hearing a lot off fuzz win-get and how it would bring apt-get easiness to Windows, but visiting the page now I can see that a lot was dropped since back then and the repository has mostly outdated software.


I also found Npackd, seems decent and the repository has a couple of hundred applications.

And Speed Install

They can help you out installing Windows software and even though they might not be actual stores they are close to a package manager and installer for Windows.

Other than that there are a few known sites out there with services that might be used the same way as an application store: is one of them but not really an application store as the Ubuntu Software Center.

Bruno PereiraBruno Pereira

Install Kali Linux Tools

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No, but Windows 8 will have the Windows Store, something very similar. There might be similar alternatives, though, but I have never heard of one and I doubt they would be complete enough for the needs of most users.

Mark OtarisMark Otaris

Besides the upcoming Windows Store on Windows 8, allmyapps is a service that does what you're describing.

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