Cosimir Educational Robotica

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COSIMIR software provides the user with a simulation environment for 3D robot simulation. The software features a simulation and programming platform for pre-set robotic workcells based on common applications utilized in the industrial engineering field. All components of robotics and controls can be simulated in. COSIMIR Robotics is a low-cost introduction to robotics technology that features 15 virtual robotic workcells; complexity increases from a single robot to an entire factory simulation.

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Cosimir Educational Robotics Schools

<p>3 COSIMIR EducationalSoftware COSIMIR Educational (the new designation is COSIMIR Robotics) provides you with a virtual learning environment in the field of robotics. Step by step, you will be able to advance independently from very simple robotics applications right through to highly complex workcells in a highly realistic, simulated 30 work environments. For study purposes there are over 30 different robot applications (projects) which make it possible to write the control program for the robot and test this program on the virtual 3D computer model. In COSIMIR Educational robot programming languages MELFA Basic IV (MB4), Movemaster Command (MRL) or Industrial Robotic Language (IRL) can be used. Languages MB4 and MRL are intended only for Mitsubishi robots programming and IRL programming language is suitable for optional series of robots. COSIMIR Educational does not allow for downloading the robot control program into the real robot control device.</p><p>3.1 Start-upStarting the program COSIMIR Educational consists of the following steps: START Programs Festo Didactic COSIMIR Educational (Fig. 3.1).</p><p>Fig. 3.1. Start-up of COSIMIR Educational</p><p>During the starting of the program the windows shown in Figs. 3.2 and 3.3 are opening. The first window of COSIMIR Educational is the general view of applications where writing and testing of the control program occur. The other window is the help window where the selection of different robot applications is displayed.</p><p>18</p><p>Fig. 3.2. General view of COSIMIR Educational</p><p>Fig. 3.3. Help window of COSIMIR Educational</p><p>When we click on the designation of the industrial application picture, all information about this application is displayed on the help window (description of the industrial application, list and description of the devices applicable, list of the robot inputs/outputs, auxiliary materials for writing the control program).</p><p>19</p><p>Fig. 3.4. Information about industrial application of the robot (contents)</p><p>The application required for programming the robot in the COSIMIR Eductaional window is opening when clicking on the text beginning with the word Open in the help window. In Fig. 3.5 the application FirstSteps is opened. The following is displayed: A. robot application 3D window where the robot simulation is shown, B. window for writing the robot control program, C. window of the robot position list. Robot applications can be opened from the CD disc when you choose the file of a concrete application from the folder C:Program FilesdidacticCosimi Educational.GBModel. Then by the help of double click you choose the file called MOD from the folder Model. In the general view COSIMIR Educational, the robot application is opened. Remember the folders Position Lists where the robot position list is located and the folder Programs where the robot control program is located.</p><p>20</p><p>Fig. 3.5. A general view of COSIMIR Educational in a robot application</p><p>3.2 3D-show WindowThe three dimensional model of the robot is displayed in the 3D-show window. The different additional views of robot functioning can be displayed from the menu ViewNew. To watch the operation area of the robot in a 3D-show window you must choose ViewShow Workspace from the menu. The following point in the 3D-show window of the robot and the workstation is varied. The following possibilities exist: Ctrl+Shift - changing the distance of the view (zoom) Shift key - shifting the view (right and left, up and down) Ctrl key - rotating the view</p><p>Industrial applications of every robot have defined standard views that can be chosen from ViewStandard menu. The choices are as follows: Default Setting general view Front View front view Rear View back view Top View upper view Left Side View left side view Right Side View right side view 21</p><p>Full Format full view of the robot industrial application</p><p>Standard views are changeble by opening the drop-down menu in the 3D-show window by the help of the right button of the mouse.</p><p>3.3 Robot Model Controlling in the 3D-show WindowTo control the robot model in the 3D-show window, the Jog Operation window (Fig. 3.6) is used. This window is opening from the menu Extras-&gt;Teach-In. From there it is possible to move the robot, to open and to close the robot gripper, give the destination point (coordinates of the point) for the robot and record the instant position of the robot.</p><p>Fig. 3.6. 3D show window when JOINT Jog is chosen</p><p>It is possible to move the robot in three different coordinate systems. They are: JOINT, XYZ and TOOL (Fig. 3.7). To move the robot in the coordinate system JOINT, we must mark JOINT Jog (Fig. 3.6). In this coordinate system the single axes of the robot moves in two directions when we click on the arrow key in front of the designation of a suitable axis. The rotation angles of robot are limited.</p><p>22</p><p>a)</p><p>b)</p><p>c) Fig. 3.7. Moving and rotation directions of the robot when the coordinate systems JOINT (a), XYZ (b) or TOOL (c) are chosen</p><p>To move the robot in the XYZ coordinate system XYZ Joint is chosen (Fig. 3.8 a). This coordinate system is the main coordinate system of the robot (world coordinates). When we click on the arrow near the axis, the robot moves in the range of this axis. Near every axis there are buttons connected with the curve line which makes the rotation of the robot gripper around the axis possible.</p><p>23</p><p>a) Fig. 3.8. 3D-show window when XYZ Jog (a) and TOOL Jog (a) are chosen</p><p>b)</p><p>In the TOOL coordinate system (TOOL Jog), the zero point of the coordinates is the end point of the robot gripper (Fig. 3.8 b). Movement of the scroll bar Jog Override results in the change of the speed of the robot. The column with the per cent shows the speed of the manually controlled robot (in per cent of the maximum speed of the robot). The button with the text Close Hand or Open Hand makes it possible to open and close the robot gripper. Sometimes this button may be grey in which case instead of the gripper the robot has another tool. If the gripper exists, then we must use the menu choice Extras-&gt;Settings-&gt;Grip. In the open window (Fig. 3.9.) we must choose one of closing or opening commands marked with number from the menu Gripper Control at Teach-In. When the gripper opening/closing button does not function, we must choose the command with another number.</p><p>Fig. 3.9. Window Grip</p><p>With the button Set Joint Coordinates... or Set XYZ Positionit is possible to give the coordinaates for the robot where it must be located (Fig. 3.10.). If the coordinates are out of the operating area, the robot will not recognize these coordinates.</p><p>24</p><p>a) Fig. 3.10. Coordinates of the robot in JOINT (a) and main (b) coordinate system</p><p>b)</p><p>The button Current Position Pos. List makes it possible to record the instant coordinates of the robot into the list of the robot positions. It allows the robot to move to the programmed position and to record this position into the position list only by pressing the button (manual of coordinates entering all positions is not necessary).</p><p>3.4 ProgrammingThe control programs of Mitsubishi robots are recorded mostly into the MB4 or MRL format files which are opening separately for writing the program (in the case of the new program the window is empty). The control programs of other robots may be recorded into the IRL format files. The program file of each robot is opening in a different window. The program writing window is shown in Fig. 3.11. Every program row (line) consists of the number of the row and the command of the programming language, for example, 10 MOV P1 robot moves to position P1. In the given example the number of the row is 10 and the command with the position MOV P1. At the end of the row, a comment about functioning is added. Program writing is simplified by the drop-down menu (Fig. 3.11) which is opening by the help of the right button of the mouse. Choosing some commands from there it is possible to enter mostly used commands. The meaning of the commands is described in section MELFA Basic IV commands.</p><p>25</p><p>Joonis 3.11. Window for writing the program and and drop-down menu for choosing the commands</p><p>The manual numbering of program rows is not necessary. Numbering occurs automatically by clicking on Renumber icon. The beginning of the numbering and the step is determined in the window shown in Fig. 3.12. For clicking on Renumber icon the program writing window must be opened. When the window of the robot position list is opened, the numbering of positions occurs.</p><p>Fig. 3.12. Renumber window</p><p>For the initial testing of the robot control program, the icons Compile and Compile &amp; link are used. After clicking on the icon, the control program is tested. During the testing of the program the new window is opening. In this window warning, fault and test end messages are shown. When the fault message appears, the location of the fault in the program is shown by the help of the double click on the fault message. Sometimes instead of the incorrect row the next row is marked because the checking of the previous row is necessary. For testing the program the program writing window must be opened.</p><p>26</p><p>After testing the program Compile &amp; link icon loading the control program into the virtual control device of the robot is placed in the software COSIMIR Educational. The program in the virtual control device of the robot begins functioning when the program simulation is started.</p><p>3.5 MELFA Basic IV CommandsMostly used commands of the programming language MELFA Basic VI and the samples of the control programs are described in this section. On writing the commands there is no difference between caps and small letters. All variables must be written so that first they be declared. (Aphostrope) It is marking the beginning of the text in the program row. The text after aphostrope is the comment. Samples:11 comments begin from here 12 MOV P1,+40 comments begin from here</p><p>DEF INTE Use this instruction to declare numerical values. The variable declared with INTE will be an integer type (-32768 to +32767). When before the designation of the variable M is written, the program is considered as a numeric variable. Declaring at the beginning of the program is not necessary. Samples:20 DEF INTE a, B, C 30 DEF INTE d 40 a=0 60 d=12.13 70 C=12.67 80 d=d+3 90 M1=12-M1 integer type variable declares a, B and C variable integer type variable decares d variable assigns value 0 to variable a assigns value 12 to variable d assigns value13 to variable C add number 3 to variable d from number 12 subtracts variable M1 value and assigns the result to variable M1</p><p>DEF DOUBLE DOUBLE stands for a double-precision real number. The variable declared with DOUBLE will be a double precision type (+/- 1.701411834604692E+308). Instead of the decimal point, the point is used. Samples:10 DEF DOUBLE Arv 20 Arv = 100/3 double-precision type real number variable declares Arv variable assigned to variable Arv value 33.333332061767599</p><p>DEF FLOAT FLOAT stands for single-precision real number. The variable declared with FLOAT will be a single precision type (+/- 1.70141E+38). Instead of the decimal point, the point is used. Samples:10 DEF FLOAT real 20 reaal = 123.468 single-precision type variable declares real variable assigns value 123.468000 to variable real</p><p>DEF CHAR Declares a character string variable. It is used when using a variable with a name that begins with a character other than C. It is not necessary to declare variables whose names begin with the character C using the DEF CHAR instruction. Samples:10 DEF CHAR TEADE 20 TEADE = Ttab character type variable declares TEADE variable assigns Ttab value to character type variable TEADE</p><p>27</p><p>30 CMSG = ABC</p><p>assigns ABC value to variable CMSG</p><p>DEF POS This instruction declares XYZ type position vatiables. It is used when using a variable with a name that begins with a character other than P. It is not necessary to declare variables whose names begin with the character P using the DEF POS instruction. Samples:10 DEF POS 1PUNKT position variable declares 1PUNKT variable 20 MOV P1 moving to position P1 30 1PUNKT = (250,460,100,-90,120,0) assigns coordinates (X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis, A-angle, Bangle, C-angle) to position variable 1PUNKT 40 Pabi=P1+P2 assigns coordinates which are the result of two position adding to position variable Pabi 50 MOV 1PUNKT moving to position 1PUNKT</p><p>DEF JNT This instruction declares joint type position variables. It is used when using a variable with a name that begins with a character other than J. It is not necessary to declare variables whose names begin with the character J using the DEF JNT instruction. Samples:10 DEF JNT TURB joint variable declares TURB variable 20 MOV J1 moving to position J1 30 TURB = (-50,120,30,300,0,0,0,0) 40 MOV TURB moving to position TURB</p><p>ACCEL This instruction declares acceleration and deceleration in per cent from the maximum acceleration and deceleration time. Samples:30 ACCEL 50,60 50 ACCEL 100,100 robot acceleration time is 50% of maximum . deceleration time is 60% of maximum maximum acceleration and deceleration times</p><p>SPD This instruction declares the speed of the robot on linear and arc movement. The maximum speed on 10000 units and it is recorded into the M_NSPD variable. On using the SPD command the fault messages may appear. To avoid this, the speed of the robot must be decreased. Samples:10 SPD 100 30 SPD 500 90 SPD M_NSPD robot speed is 100 units robot speed is 500 units robot speed is value recorded in variable M_NSPD. The optimal speed control is turned on.</p><p>JOVRD This instruction designates the override that is valid only during robots joint movements. The values of the JOVRD 1 100, 0 are given in per cent from the maximum speed of the robot. Samples:10 JOVRD 1 40 JOVRD 50.2 50 JOVRD 100.0 robot speed is 1% of the maximum speed of robot joints robot speed is 50.2% of the maximum speed of robot joints robot speed is 100% of the maximum speed of robot joints</p><p>OVRD This instruction specifies the speed of robot movement as a value in the range from 1 to 100%. This is the override applied to the entire program. Samples:10 OVRD 50 robot speed is 50% from maximum speed</p><p>28</p><p>60 OVRD 90 190 OVRD 100</p><p>robot speed is 90% from maximum speed robot speed is 100% from maximum speed</p><p>BASE This instruction will enable us to move or rotate the robot coordinate system. Specify the base conversion data for this instruction. Pay extra attention when making changes in the program, as it may lead to errors in jog operations, etc. The coordinates of the zero point are recorded into the variable P_NBASE. Samples:10 BASE (50,100,0,0,0,90) 90 BASE P_NBASE coordinate system of the robot is shifted to a new zero point and 0 Z- axis is rotated 90 initial position reset of coordinate system</p><p>Fig. 3.13. Changing the coordinate system of the robot</p><p>TOO...</p>